Getting Your Team Inspired


When you’re the coach of a sports team, it is your job to make your team ready for the upcoming season, game, or hopefully, the playoffs. But the regular locker room pep talk may not work when it’s raining, the opposing team is terrifying, they’re tired, and just want the season to be over. That is when you need to bring in someone new to remind them why they have made the sacrifices they have.


Sports inspirational speakers are a great way to show your team that you want the best for them and that you want them to succeed.  There are plenty of fascinating, top inspirational speakers who would love to have the opportunity to speak with your team. These are not ordinary people either.

Many leadership development speakers have experience in sports. They often focus on their own past in sports or how they have continued their life in sports. This is important because teams need to find the speaker relatable and personable almost instantly. If they do not see the speaker as someone they can trust or relate to, they may not listen at all.


Many of them are trained in public speaking or have a degree in communications. Before becoming a professional motivational sports speaker, they need to learn what techniques will work, and what will not. An inspirational leadership speaker will learn how to grab an audience and maintain focus. Instead of using dates, facts and figures constantly they try to include everything while having their own stories and past integrated into the speech.


Once you’ve decided to look for motivational speakers for sale, you should do plenty of research. Many motivational speakers have their own websites, videos, and even their own books for sale. Watch what you can of motivational speakers and read testimonials on and off their website so you can get a well-rounded view. Once you’ve made a decision just schedule a time and place.


While many people may not want to see a motivational speaker at first, they can be incredibly encouraging and will even give advice that can work. One motivational speaker may not work for your specific team but that does not mean you should give up. By listening to the tone and messages of each speaker before hiring, you can find someone who will get your team ready for what ever life throws at them.


Hiring a Motivational Speaker


You've been tagged by your boss to schedule the yearly company retreat and you need to find a leadership speaker for the event. Before you simply hire popular motivational speakers, consider what it is that you want your motivational speaker to convey.


The first thing to acknowledge is that the speaker you select is going to be representing your company. Your employees are going to look forward to the event with a set of expectations and a failure of the speaker to live up to them will reflect poorly.


Employees can detect fluff in a presentation. They know when it feels like they are being manipulated. No one wants to feel like they are a pawn being inspired to work harder. Many motivational leadership speakers attempt to be inspirational without actually delivering actual content.


The best way to find motivational speakers on leadership is to do your homework before hiring them. Be sure to check out their past. Do they have published books or articles on the topic they claim to be an expert in? Have they actually attended—and graduated from—the colleges they have on their resume? What sorts of companies or people is the speaker affiliated with?


If something isn't adding up, find someone else.


Another good resource is online reviews of the program the motivational speaker presents. With only variances in small details (“Hello, Lancaster!”), the speaker is likely to be giving the same speech. Getting reactions from the people who have heard the speech is a great way to avoid a dud.


There are a great deal of topics that can be delivered by motivational speakers: leadership, personal responsibility, effective communication, among many others. Identify the type of content which will be most useful for your company's employees.


When searching for a leadership speaker for sales, avoid making a decision quickly based on a forceful pitch. Any speakers who are driving hard to get your business is likely attempting to solidify a sale before you have a chance to discover reasons not to hire them.


Recognize that fancy keywords and slogans are usually a mask motivational speakers hide behind to hide the fact that their program doesn't actually deliver content. If they're tossing around buzzwords and phrases and failing to explain their content, move on. Your employees will see through the empty words.


Don't be afraid to think outside the box. A speaker doesn't have to be someone who makes a living giving motivational speeches. Some of the best options are people who done the kinds of tasks your employees do. For example, if you're setting up a conference for the teachers in your district, find another school teacher who has “been there, done that” to deliver entertaining and informative anecdotes and sage advice.